Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 37 - 38 of 38 in total

Vintage Laurel Burch Earrings

Linda Lee

Laurel Burch was a self-taught American painter who through her art and an extended illness, made very popular paintings and earrings.  She died in 2007 but her spirit lives on in her paintings, earrings, and her message of healing.

Water Lily Design- $25

Laurel Burch was a self-taught American painter who through her art and an extended illness, made very popular paintings and earrings.  She died in 2007 but her spirit lives on in her paintings, earrings, and her message of healing.

Water Lily Design- $25

Laurel Burch was a self-taught American painter who through her art and an extended illness, made very popular paintings and earrings.  She died in 2007 but her spirit lives on in her paintings, earrings, and her message of healing.

Water Lily Design- $25

Chinese Pillow

Stella Chien

Porcelain Chinese Pillow made in the Ching Dynasty. It is usually used in the summer because it is cool.

Porcelain Chinese Pillow made in the Ching Dynasty. It is usually used in the summer because it is cool.

Porcelain Chinese Pillow made in the Ching Dynasty. It is usually used in the summer because it is cool.